Saturday, November 6, 2010

Sekhmet Does the Baby Jumps

Awwww, my puppy is awesome.  Just have to say it.  Every flyball practice, I am amazed by her.  Today, she was driving over the baby jumps to a person holding a tug.  (Since she is still a baby, I don't want to use real jumps, but these were close, real jumps but very low to protect the baby joints, and the surface was soft grass.)  This was the first time she was introduced to baby jumps.  I thought I would be tripping over her and falling over jumps.  Nope.  She just fixed her eyes on the prize and booked for the person at the end of the lane.  All I had to do was let go of the leash.  No gates or nuttin!  Thank you, thank you, thank you for this awesome puppy.  It's kind of bewildering how she just gets stuff.  No training required, just get out of the way. 

Nacho, another dog at practice did pretty well, also.  He had his debut in singles at a tournament two weeks ago, but, alas, sort of went a bit ga ga and didn't complete a single run.  Well, his owner was working with him and they made up a new game involving a collapsible bowl  at the finish line, and Nacho seemed to "get it."  He was doing full runs with another dog in the other lane and having fun.  The young dog who was running in the other lane, who has a tendency toward blowing it off and shutting down, was doing recalls with enthusiasm and tugging. 

All in all, a good practice for the youngsters.  The oldsters had fun, too.  Weasel is out of her cone and got to get out and play for the first time since the "incident."  She had fun, was a bit ga ga, but showed no signs of being uncomfortable or affected by it.  Spoiled one ran, foamed, chased tennis balls and had fun.


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