Sekhmet's here!!!!

ooooooong drive.
I drove down to CA to get her from her breeder, Karen Moureaux of Contact Point Border Collies. I had spent years internet stalking her to make sure she was good. She knows where every puppy she's bred is. She keeps in contact with the owners with Yahoo Groups and Facebook. She has spay/neuter in the puppy contract. She takes back any dogs that don't work out. She does all the health screening. She doesn't price by color or sex. She is involved in herding, agility, and other activities and provides a venue for trials at her ranch.
So, after waiting for the female I wanted to be mated to the male I wanted, and the months of gestation and weaning, I brought home the little Bon Bon.
The car ride started out icky. The little thing screamed like a banshee and was carsick. I pulled over about three times before we got to the interstate to clean out her crate and her. Sick puppies are really pitiful. However, once she and her breakfast parted company, she was golden. She would sleep in her crate, and I would be terrified and check that she was still breathing. Then, at rest stops, she bounced around and wriggled and acted like a little puppy. If I left her for an instant, she screamed like a banshee.
Unfortunately, that trend has continued.
She screamed when I put her in her crate by the bed for the night (at 4:00 am). She screamed when I dashed to the bathroom a little before 8:00 am this morning. She screamed when I put her out in the x-pen. I've been trying to mitigate the screaming today by only approaching when she's quieted, a little, at least for an instant. It seems to have paid off, at least a little.
She seems content, at the moment. There are little needle-sharp teeth masticating my toe at I write. Today, she's practiced tugging and coming when called. She also met one of the neighbors when I apologized for the screaming. The neighbor just laughed and said it's a puppy thing. She hasnet yet had an accident in the house, although she's peed on me twice and the neighbor once.
She is a prescious little thing and I am so terrified that something will happen or she will get sick.
My advice if you're not already doing it is - COVER her crate when you want her to sleep. Hopefully that will help :-) The screaming banshee should subside in a few days :-)
She's wonderful. Some screaming was kind of expected. To be honest, she sounds more "play with me NOW" than "SAVE ME" so that makes it easier. She's adapted so well, considering what a big change it's been. Something happens that startles her, and she flattens to the floor, but then pops right up to check it out. Pretty fearless.
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