It's Like She Came Housebroken
This is so weird. Not one accident in the house so far. She seems like the perfect puppy. Sekhmet bounces around the room at my feet playing with her toys. She follows me around, and objects when I leave her for an instant. When she starts wandering around, sniffing the floor, I go to the door, she rushes out and pees! I'm happy about it, but I was expecting a LOT more issues.
She had her first vet visit and was proclaimed in excellent condition.
Weasel is giving her the full dose of puppy license. She seems to enjoy having the little thing around. Zephram finds her annoying, but tolerates her violations of his personal space. I make sure and give him safe zones where he doesn't have to worry about little puppies cramming their noses in his ears and climbing all over him.
The shrieking has really toned down. She seems to understand that she is okay, and loved, and I will be back in a minute.
Ooopsie - first accident inside. Guess she's mortal after all.
(Brief pause while I take puppy outside and clean up)
I swear she is already learning to retrieve! Her favorite toys are rubbery Kong-like toys and I found one that was a squishy sort of lattice-work sphere with a fuzzy little ball inside it. She loves it. We were playing tug of war and fetch with it. Weasel and Spoiled One were very jealous. (I played with them, too)
She likes to sleep under foot, between my feet and the computer desk. When she sleeps. It isn't often. Such a good little girl.

In other news, after a three-week break, Weasel did well at agility drill. She listened to me when I told her the wrong course, but it's not her fault she has an idiot handler. She responded to my turn cues and was a good little girl.
Labels: beginning training, puppy, Sekhmet
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