Thursday, July 15, 2010

Puppy Physics

Puppies poop.  A LOT.  More comes out the stinky end than goes in the sharp end.  Conservation of matter would seem to prohibit this, but Demon Puppy rips the stuffing out of the Laws of Physics.

And they GROW.  A LOT. 

It's a good thing they are cute.

Anyway, Demon Puppy, in brief breaks from producing stinky conundrums, is attending classes.  She goes to flyball practice and gets cuddled and goes to Puppy Fun and plays with flat, baby puppy versions of agility equipment.  Being a baby, she shouldn't jump, or bend, or any joint damaging thing, but she's learning about recalls and fetch, surfaces and tunnels, and having a blast.  Plus it involves hot dog bits.

It's on the same night as Weasel Puppy's agility class, so they both ride in the car there, then trade out waiting in the crate while the other does her thing.  I need to work out the finer details.  The first time, Weasel's agility class was cancelled, so I had time to dump her at home and grab the Demon.  However, this week, both classes were on and I had a variety of "issues."  There was the treat bag that I could NOT open.  I spent most of Weasel's agility drill tearing bits off of it trying to get to the good stuff, crinkling in a distracting way during every one's runs.  Finally, someone couldn't stand it and got their keys and stabbed the bag.  

Then, there was the problem of the moving puppy class.  Demon Puppy's class was partially indoors, partially outdoors, and so I was dragging Weasel, and her crate, and her water bowl, and her crate cover, and Demon Puppy back and forth.

Agility instructors, be glad I am not your student.  Anyway, they were patient with my excessive neediness. 

Tonight, I was working on flyball skills.  Weasel and the Spoiled One got to bounce off the wall.   I gave up on a touch stick and just lure them with the ball, then throw it, so they get the whole "launch" idea.  I am afraid to do it too much, as it is a repetitive stress on their joints.  Demon Puppy got to do fetch, but she was going through a "ball?  yeah right - you go get it!"  phase.  So I made the ball zip around, gently attacking her nose and feet and tail and various spots and she decided it was fun again. 

Now, everyone is happily panting and some toy is squeaking.  Fortunately, it's not the cat.  Demon Puppy has actually been rather good about that. 



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