Training Boxloaders, Pass Callers, and Ball Shaggers for Upcoming Tournaments
Ideally, all of this should happen during the course of practices. As you practice, teammembers learn these roles by taking turns fulfilling them in practice. But there are the zillion things that don't come up:
If the box malfunctions during a tournament, stand in front of it with your arms crossed in an "x"
What's our jump height? Whose setting it? Can they set it while dragging their dog along with it?
Who's holding dogs for recalls?
What practice stuff are we going to do in our brief (often less than a minute) warm up time?
Can the box holder physically pick up and move the box quickly? Does she know where to put it, how to line it up, and that she needs to get it set up and balls in it as fast as possible?
Is someone going to manage the props - setting them up for the warm up and pulling them out after the whistle blows?
Does everyone know to get into position and stay in when the whistle blows?
Does the start dog know who to check in with before signaling that they are ready?
Do the other teammates who aren't actively participating in the heat know to not gesture or call the dogs' names?
Does the boxloader know what she can and can't do to encourage the dogs? That she should always have a ball in the box when the race is being run in case someone needs to rerun? To stay in position at the box until the judge signals the heat is over?
Do all the dog handlers know who is deciding if a dog reruns?
Is someone watching for faults?
So many things that you assume everyone knows, but they don't often.

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Labels: ball shagger, tournament preparations, training teammates
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