Saturday, May 10, 2008

Yet Another Flyball Practice

Yes, it was yet another flyball practice. There have been some practices inbetween entries.

Spoiled One is doing good - he is being passable and passing fine. I am trying to get him to come back for the wubba, but he wants a ball. However, he was tugging on it a bit and seeming to get into it. I am being terrible about warm up and cool down exercises. I guess it's more play time with the wubba and endurance work for this week. Next week, I may see if I can get someone else to try to run him.

Weasel thinks tugs are boring. I screech and squeal and spin it and let the puppies play with it and throw it and carry on. It bounces off her head as she runs by. There is just so much stimulation, at practice. She was sort of responding to it during box work, but not for recalls or runs. I suspect, though, that its a matter of screw my courage to the sticking place and keep at it. Maybe if I can squeeze in some dog park visits (without letting her run around and play, but working with her) it would help. She could get some more people exposure and new dog exposure and see if any of it looses the thrill.

She's actually doing extremely well. I just want her on the tug! She loves it at home.

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