Monday, May 26, 2008

New Designs - Flyball Showdown and Flyball Workout

Yep, new designs from Weasel Puppy Flyball Shop. Hope you enjoy them.

Flyball Workout shows a joyfully whirling around on a tug after a race.

Flyball Showdown depicts two very competitive dogs leaping off the flyball box, their eyes on the competition.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Update on Building Tug Drive

Forgot to report on the success or failure of my tug drive building efforts.

Actually, at flyball practice this weekend, I was surprised in a good way. Spoiled One actually showed interest and could be lured into dropping the ball and grabbing the tug after practice. Weasel, unfortunately, wasn't as cooperative. Part of the problem was that we were running her on the same team as her idol dog, and so she was very distracted. However, Weasel will have to learn to run with that dog. My teammates suspect that Weasel is focusing on the frisbee the idol dog handler uses. I believe she is focusing on the frisbee the idol dog uses.

I think I need to run Weasel by herself, using the tug, next practice. Also, I will continue working on fetch and tug exercises this week, and I will try to not let her play ball before the practice when we are setting up. She needs to work on meeting people skills anyway.

All in all, good. I have hope. I feel like I am making progress with this tug thingy.

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The Truth About Doggie Doolies

Okay, I'm trying to be environmentalist. I hate packaging up doggie doody in eternal plastic and lobbing it in the trash to go to the landfill, preserved forever as a testament to our civilization. Ick. So, I finally got one of those "digester" type dog waste disposal. Pop it in the yard, dump the doody in there and it magically goes away. Cool.

However, once I got it home, I discovered that you have to dig a well 4 feet deep and 8 inches in diameter. Okaaaaaaay. I bought a post hole digger and went to work.

I had some help, of course.

The help made certain I knew the exact location of a certain spherical object. This was accomplished by replacing the spherical object back in the hole whenever I was so negligent as to remove it. Due to the dilligence of my assistant, there is a good chance the spherical object is still in the hole.

Eventually, the hole was accomplished, the Doggie Dooly installed, the ummmmm items tossed in and water and digestive powder added. We'll see. . .

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Monday, May 12, 2008

Trying To Build Tug Drive

Well, I'm working on it. It's difficult, though, when you have a 60lb dog. But, tonight, Spoiled One and I did the fetch and tug, fetch and tug, fetch and tug. I made growly noises and swung that great goliath of a dog in circles with the tug. I let him win and play keep away with the tug. He seemed a little invested in it at the end, standind over the tug and wagging and looking at me. There is still the long pause while he decides to spit out the ball and take the tug. We'll try lots more of that.

Weasel was doing better. She spits out that ball and hits the tug on the fly. I hope it will carry over to team practice this weekend. There was a little bit of phoning it in - mouthing the tug then waiting for me to throw the ball again. Practice, practice, practice. At least she doesn't hurt my back when she tugs. I couldn't get her to do keep away or win when we played tug. The minute I let go, she dropped it, if not before.

They're both very intuitive dogs. I think if I stick with it, they'll get into it. If this doesn't work, maybe I'll get something washable and put Cheese Whiz on it and sew squeakers in it, until I get some enthusiasm from the dogs.

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Saturday, May 10, 2008

Yet Another Flyball Practice

Yes, it was yet another flyball practice. There have been some practices inbetween entries.

Spoiled One is doing good - he is being passable and passing fine. I am trying to get him to come back for the wubba, but he wants a ball. However, he was tugging on it a bit and seeming to get into it. I am being terrible about warm up and cool down exercises. I guess it's more play time with the wubba and endurance work for this week. Next week, I may see if I can get someone else to try to run him.

Weasel thinks tugs are boring. I screech and squeal and spin it and let the puppies play with it and throw it and carry on. It bounces off her head as she runs by. There is just so much stimulation, at practice. She was sort of responding to it during box work, but not for recalls or runs. I suspect, though, that its a matter of screw my courage to the sticking place and keep at it. Maybe if I can squeeze in some dog park visits (without letting her run around and play, but working with her) it would help. She could get some more people exposure and new dog exposure and see if any of it looses the thrill.

She's actually doing extremely well. I just want her on the tug! She loves it at home.

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