New Designs - Flyball Showdown and Flyball Workout

Flyball Workout shows a joyfully whirling around on a tug after a race.
Flyball Showdown depicts two very competitive dogs leaping off the flyball box, their eyes on the competition.
Weasel Puppy is my border collie, Spoiled One is an Australian Shepherd/German Shepherd Dog mixed breed, and Demon Puppy is the latest addition to the pack, a border collie puppy. They do flyball, agility, herding, and pretty much anything I can think of. Weasel Puppy and Spoiled One are rescued dogs, from the shelter. Occasionally, a foster dog is in the mix.
Forgot to report on the success or failure of my tug drive building efforts.
Labels: building tug drive, flyball, flyball training
Labels: Doggie Doolie, dogs, picking up after pets, responsible pet ownership
Well, I'm working on it. It's difficult, though, when you have a 60lb dog. But, tonight, Spoiled One and I did the fetch and tug, fetch and tug, fetch and tug. I made growly noises and swung that great goliath of a dog in circles with the tug. I let him win and play keep away with the tug. He seemed a little invested in it at the end, standind over the tug and wagging and looking at me. There is still the long pause while he decides to spit out the ball and take the tug. We'll try lots more of that.
Labels: flyball, home practice exercises, tug drive
Yes, it was yet another flyball practice. There have been some practices inbetween entries.