There Was a Little Girl

There was a little girl
Who had a little curl
Right at the tippy tip of her ear
She tried to be good
So very very good
But alas, her handler wasn't very clear.
Weasel and I had our first agility trial. We entered Nov A FAST, JWW and STD both days. The first day was a bewildering mass of confusion - getting there late, Spoiled One escaping, not knowing where to unload or sign in or be measured, or show up to volunteer, forgetting phone and dog brush and a zillion other things that it turned out I could survive without just fine. The second day was much more relaxed and fun.
Weasel did decently, considering. She ended up with two qualification ribbons and two 2nd place ribbons. Various people gave me grief over signing her up under the Canine Partners instead of ILP'ing (is it now PAL'ing) her as a border collie. Yes, I think she's a border collie. But, she is a pound puppy. She is spayed and her exact ancestry is unknown. Why make a fake purebred almost registration for her? Every title she earns (if she earns any) I want people to know that this dog is a rescue, a dog someone threw away.
Anyway, I now know I need to work on weaves, and directional cues with my little flying ferret, and start line stays.
During this adventure, the Demon Puppy of Albuquerque visited with some of my flyball friends who took wonderful care of her. They posted pictures of Demon Puppy stalking and chewing on their dogs and admired how smart and cute and ferocious she was. She grew, of course.