Sunday, December 23, 2007

Saturday Practice

So, we finally got in a team practice yesterday. The dogs did surprisingly well, considering. My Weasel still has a bad case of puppy lick the boxloaderitis, and general ditziness, but she was able to focus on what she was doing when there was a dog in the other lane, whether that dog was ahead of or behind her. I'm still quite nervous. The eight team practices I was counting on before the next tournament have been reduced to three, if we're lucky.

She doesn't latch onto the tug at practice, though. It's very frustrating, because at home she loves it and comes crashing into it full bore. At team practice, she's completely blind to it. I tried a little bit with her when she wasn't in the lane at practice, and got some interest, but it was too distracting to the dog we were actually working to continue. I think I am just going to have to keep sneaking that in where I can. She was very intrigued with another dog's tug toy, though. The secret might be in rotating the tug toys so she thinks she's getting something new and novel.

One of my teammates likes to practice recalls by having the handler send the dog up the lane to this person, and then this person sends the dog back down the lane to this person. I didn't want Weasel to associate the person at the boxloader end of the lane with attention and praise, though. She already has problems in that area and so I insisted on having the person at the box end of the lane release her to run to me, then walking Weasel back up and handing her off to them and running back to the other end for a recall.

Spoiled One was a good boy. I think he was just so glad to be doing flyball that he was on his best behaviour. Also, we ran him last in the line up, rather than as the start dog, so he couldn't pull the inflato dog trick. Hopefully, after Wags in Arizona, we can work more on him as a start dog. I would really like to push him in that role. I believe, once we get the monster past his little passing issue, he could be a real asset that way.

Anyway, the dogs were very happy to be having team practice. I didn't get any pictures this time. Sorry.

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