How Could They?

Labels: dogs in danger, shelter dog
Weasel Puppy is my border collie, Spoiled One is an Australian Shepherd/German Shepherd Dog mixed breed, and Demon Puppy is the latest addition to the pack, a border collie puppy. They do flyball, agility, herding, and pretty much anything I can think of. Weasel Puppy and Spoiled One are rescued dogs, from the shelter. Occasionally, a foster dog is in the mix.
Labels: dogs in danger, shelter dog
Well, it snowed and nearly everyone bailed out of practice. It is the holidays, though, so it's only the truly sick who come out to shiver in the cold with their dogs. I was there, of course. I thought it would be a time to let the dogs romp in the fenced practice field all by their lonesomes (kinda hard to do boxwork without a boxloader) but, shockingly, someone else showed!
Labels: building tug drive, flyball boxwork, flyball practice, skill building
Labels: dog training techniques, dogs, housetraining
Labels: building tug drive, down-time, flyball training